China used welded pipe mills , the way to adjust the opening angle of the pipe

China used welded pipe mills , the way to adjust the opening angle of the pipe

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  • Release time:2021-11-21 11:30
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【概要描述】When adjusting the pipe opening angle of China used welded pipe mills, the following 4 basic methods should be followed.

China used welded pipe mills , the way to adjust the opening angle of the pipe

【概要描述】When adjusting the pipe opening angle of China used welded pipe mills, the following 4 basic methods should be followed.

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  • Release time:2021-11-21 11:30
  • Pvs:

When adjusting the pipe opening angle of China used welded pipe mills, the following 4 basic methods should be followed


China used welded pipe mills


(1) Wall thickness method. It means that the opening angle should be reduced as much as possible when producing thick-walled pipes, and the opening angle should be appropriately increased when using China used welded pipe mills to produce thin-walled pipes.


(2) The natural way. That is, as the guide ring and the hole pattern are naturally worn out, the guide roller is pressed down in stages, so that the opening angle will decrease accordingly; after the new guide ring is replaced, the opening angle should be restored to the original state.


China used welded pipe mills


(3) Micro-deformation method. In theory, the guide roller does not undertake the task of deformation; however, starting from the actual need to stabilize the opening angle, it is necessary to allow the guide roller to undertake the slight deformation limited to the control of springback.


(4) Efficiency method. In order to improve the power utilization efficiency and production efficiency, the opening angle must be adjusted as small as possible when the process conditions permit.


The four basic ways to adjust the opening angle of the pipe made by China used welded pipe mills must be adjusted according to the actual situation of the opening angle.


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